Released 27-02-2017
- We have added a “Close all other pages” Button to the application menu.
- The Daily totals screen now displays a store performance report.
- We have added a New Store Performance Report has been added.
- The newly added one line Physical Inventory report in now accessible from the Physical Inventory screen.
- The client list report filtered with client special dates was not working. This has been Corrected.
- On the Client information screen of the New Sales screen when modifying the client type and then posting the sale the updated client information was not being saved. This has been Corrected.
- In the Employee Hours file the Load all Records option was giving an error. This has been Corrected.
- Daily Totals file can now be downloaded.
- Sales Target Totals have been moved to the store file, So that Manager can now give proper Sales Reports.
- The one line Physical Inventory Report has been added